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Valtech LLC, the maker of Magna-Tiles® and Magna-Qubix® magnetic building sets, is a family-owned company located outside of Chicago, IL. Magna-Tiles® were invented by a Japanese mathematics teacher who wanted to create a better hands-on experience when learning geometric concepts in school and at home. In 1997, Valtech introduced Magna-Tiles® magnetic building tiles to the US with the goal of building an interest in STEM subjects and inspiring the next generation of lifelong makers, creators and learners! 

Magna-Makers™ are able to learn and develop vital skills during playtime!

  • Develop fine motor skills as children stack, build and “click” together their creations 
  • Make learning fun by engaging young minds through imaginative play
  • Foster teamwork and collaboration among children 
  • Spark hours of free play, reducing screen time
  • Embrace and discover STEM subjects

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